
A toolkit for optimizing [P]KM, sensemaking, and expertise devlopment.


This carefully curated collection of frameworks focuses on [Personal] Knowledge Management, integrating insights from multiple fields/domains:

  • Information architecture
  • Ontologies and taxonomies
  • Sensemaking
  • Cognitive science
  • System design

Let's start with fundamentals!

Knowledge Lifecycle

These 2 frameworks provide a structured way to think about how knowledge is created, processed, and utilized.

Next we go into knowledge itself.
What is knowledge?

Types of knowledge

Knowledge is a quite complex concept. There are multiple ways to identify & categorize knowledge.

These frameworks can help you to understand different forms and modalities in which knowledge exists.


Tacit/Explicit Knowledge

Framework helps us understand the types of knowledge and their interplay in different contexts.

By Michael Polanyi

4P of Knowing

Use it to integrate facts, skills, perspectives, and experiences to develop personalized & context-rich knowledge.

By John Vervaeke
Coming soon

Knowledge vs. Ignorance

Ignorance is an everlasting counterpart to knowledge. Recognizing knowledge gaps, blindspots, and biases is crucial if you want to gain real expertise in something.
These frameworks will help you with that:

Dunning-Kruger effect

Dunning-Kruger effect

Allows you to observe & explore the mismatch between perceived and actual knowledge & skill levels

By Dunning & Kruger
Coming soon
Unknown Unknowns

Unknown Unknowns

Categorizes knowledge into four quadrants to help you to identify gaps in understanding & blindspots

By Donald Rumsfeld
Coming soon
Taxonomy of Ignorance

Taxonomy of Ignorance

Ctegorizes different types of ignorance, helping identify and address knowledge gaps in various fields or projects

By Smithson
Coming soon
Analysis of Competing Hypotheses


Framework used to evaluate multiple competing hypotheses for a given situation or problem

Richards Heuer
Coming soon


Going FROM scattered data, fragmented information & raw experience
TO: mental models, coherent stories & shared understanding.

This transformation is the core function of Personal Knowledge Management.



Making sense of complex situations by using mental frames to interpret data and adjusting those frames as needed.

By Gary Klein
Coming soon
Levels of understating

Levels of understating

Encouraging analysis at progressively deeper levels, from observable events to underlying structures and paradigms

By multiple contributors


Organize and improve how you gather, understand & use information by viewing it through the lens of six key categories

By Amy Webb
Coming soon

Argument Claim model

Framework is designed to help people better understand, analyze, and develop complex arguments

By Francis Miller
Coming soon

Structures & organisation

Structures and information architecture form the backbone of your knowledge ecosystem.

These frameworks will help you to design and maintain it:

Knowledge Structures

Knowledge Structures

Patterns of information organization allow you to understand and manage complex domain more effectively

By Francis Miller
Laws of Simplicity

Laws of Simplicity

Put knowledge into four quadrants to identify gaps in understanding & to guide exploration of unfamiliar areas

By John Maeda
Coming soon
Object-Oriented Ontologies

Object-Oriented Ontologies

Model knowledge/information structures by representing concepts as interconnected objects

By multiple contributors
Coming soon

PKM systems

These systems help you create a comprehensive, integrated approach to managing & utilizing your intellectual resources.

Knowledge Synthesis

Knowledge Synthesis

Conceptual model and practical approach for knowledge synthesis with a focus on researchers

By Joel Chan
Coming soon
Knowledge DEV

Knowledge DEV

PKM methodology based on a computational paradigm, designed form the first principles

By Andrew Altshuler