
I-Space by Max Boisot

This framework is a useful tool to analyze the effectiveness of knowledge management in business. But it can be also applied to your personal knowledge management system.

Framework provides 3 key dimensions:

  • Codification: how structured & formalized is the knowledge
  • Abstraction: how generalized is the knowledge
  • Diffusion: how widely is the knowledge shared


Public knowledge (textbooks, articles)Highly codified & widely diffused

Personal experiencesPoorly codified, specific & not diffused

Scientific theoryAbstract, codified & diffused among experts

Applying i-Space to businesses KM & PKM reveals common knowledge management problems:


Business PKM
Too little
  • Poorly documented projects and methods
  • Tacit knowledge drain
  • Hard to reuse knowledge across projects
  • Problems with information retrieval
  • Difficulties in exploring meaningful connections
  • Challenges in sharing knowledge with others
Too much
  • Overly complex instructions that are hard to support
  • And they're getting outdated too quickly
  • Rigid workflows & friction
  • Organization for the sake of organization
  • Reduced serendipity


Business PKM
Too little
  • Project learnings are too specific
  • Limited information reuse
  • Harder to share knowledeg within a team
  • Hard to see big-picture connections between ideas
  • Hard to apply knowledge to new situations
  • Limited ability to synthesize new knowledge
Too much
  • Frameworks/methods are too abstract to be practically useful in different contexts
  • Hard to reconstruct specific cases
  • Loss of nuance and personal context
  • Generic top-level synthesis
  • Hard to reconstruct a thinking process


Business PKM
Too little
  • Knowledge silos
  • Knowledge remains trapped within specific groups
  • Lack of feedback / idea testing ground
  • Limited exposure to diverse perspectives/opinions
  • Missed opportunities for collaboration
Too much
  • No curation protocols. People share everything
  • Information overload
  • Harder to find relevant things
  • Reduced depth of engagement with ideas
  • Oversharing
  • Audience capture

Wrapping up

The I-Space allows you to meaningfully balance all 3 dimensions to make knowledge accessible, reusable & practical.

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