
Tools For Thought

In my newsletter Tools For Thought I explore how to use PKM apps & AI to:

  • Beat the information overload
  • Boost your intellectual productivity
  • Accelerate learning & expertise development
  • Sharpen your thinking
  • Gain deeper insights on things you're exploring
  • Optimize your knowledge for application

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CASE STUDY: Exploring complex geopolitics
In this case study I want to share with you the PKM system I built to accelerate my expertise in complex geopolitics🌎 Context Understanding geopolitics is crucial to making sense of the modern world. I’ve always been fascinated by geopolitical complexities. But at some point I realized: my knowledge is
Accelerated Expertise
We live in the Era of Acceleration. Society transforms at unprecedented speeds. Tech is disrupting established systems and creating constant pressure to adapt. The rise of the e/acc movement gives us a glimpse of the emerging mindset: Our survival & thriving is dependent on our ability to ride the waves
10 strategies to to level UP your Tana PKM game
Tana is the most powerful knowledge management tool available today. Add human-grade AI to the mix, and you have your own knowledge powerhouse. What Tana can do is mindblowing! Yet to harness this power, you need to act smart. I’ll help you with that. Use these 10 strategies & principles to
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